My guess is that either you have a lot of questions or you don’t even know what to ask about this topic, yet. Follow this blog and watch for social media posts for both answers and questions. I will give you resources and information about the technology, infrastructure requirements, state fleet mandates, safety, training, and grants designed to help pay for your battery-electric truck.
Back to what I said about mind blowing advances. Greg Bleazard, Trevor Pasmann, Sherry Cisneros, and I visited the ASPIRE research center at Utah State University in Logan. ASPIRE is an acronym for Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification. Under the direction of Regan Zane, researchers are developing a way to wirelessly charge vehicles using stations embedded into highways. Vehicle batteries will charge as they are driven over the stations. No more stopping every 200 miles for an hour or more to charge! This is a game changing technological advancement that ASPIRE is studying from every angle.